Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Many UK areas 'still don't have adequate access to 3G mobile technology'

Many parts of Britain, particularly rural areas, still do not have adequate access to 3G mobile phone broadband despite billions of pounds of investment in the technology, a study has found.

Many UK areas 'still don't have adequate access to 3G mobile technology'
Researchers discovered that several major towns and cities did not have round-the-clock access to the coverage despite claims that more than 90 per cent of the country was covered.
The survey, which involved almost 45,000 volunteers downloading a special mobile application, found many areas still had “not spots”.
The results suggest the performance of operators was markedly different throughout the country.
Despite claims that most areas of the country had excellent mobile coverage, the survey found large parts of rural Britain had poorer signal than urban neighbourhoods.
It found that “testers” were only able to receive a 3G signal, which is a requirement for the latest “smartphones”, about three quarters of the time with the rest only able to use 2G technology.
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